Family Santa Sign In

If you don't know your password
Click here

Family Santa App main page

Here are some options to choose from depending on your role:
List managersGivers & Receivers
Remind me who I have
Enter a gift idea
(List managers create lists of givers and receivers and manage the gift exchange.
You need a login to the site in order to have reasonable assurance a person is who they say they are.)
(Givers are the people who agreed to buy a gift in the exchange.
Receivers are the people who will be receiving a gift in the exchange.
Many times these are the same groups of people but the buyers are not buying for themselves.)
Click here to learn more about Family Santa.
Family Santa Registration

US Phone #:
By providing your phone number you agree to receive text messages
from Family Santa
Password: (You choose this in the next step)

Your lists:

Click a list to manage it
